Tuesday, 21 June 2011

so a bit about me

so here is a bit about me,
so that maybe people can understand me better? or maybe not!!! hahaha
 I am 32, will be 33 in october, have been with my other half for 8 years, we have had many ups and downs, not in our relationship as 2 people, but in other ways, my other half was born with a kidney problem, and when he was 17 had his first kidney transplant,when we got together i found out about it pretty quickly, and i didn't bother me, if i am honest i didnt know much about transplants, so i didnt let it worry me, 12 months after we got together we bought a house together,and then his illness started again, his transplanted kidney started to fail, his consultant signed him off work for good, and eventually he went onto dialysis and the transplant list, it was a very very scary time, for many reasons, one reason was that we had just bought a house and now we were having to cope on one wage, and its been hard, very hard, there is loads we want to do tot he house, but we are getting there slowly, there is always something else to spend the money on, i would love a nicer bigger house, but our life will be in our own 3 bed terraced house, its in a nice area, no one over looking except the sheep in the fields!!!! hahaha
but its ours, and by staying here we don't have to rely on anyone, as we can pay our bills and have some treats and be happy
 when i remember the times death has stared us in the face then i am grateful my other half is alive, otherwise who knows where i would be.
so whilst friends may be upgrading to semi detatched houses, and bragging about fancy holidays we are just happy being us, and i will be EVEN happier when there is less of me!!!! 

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