Sunday, 17 July 2011

sunday, weigh in tomorrow

tomorrow is weigh in, after my hols and a week off it may be a little gain
but i have done a big shop, prepared lots, and am about to go to bed, with my books and watch the apprentice and remember why i am doing this,i got a bit fed up, with my doc telling me it would be slow weight loss, due to meds etc, but i have to get that out of my head, MY weight loss doesn't affect anyone else, it only affects ME so as long as it is coming off then it shouldn't matter
i could have not joined sw at all, i would have just kept on eating myself into an early grave, so when i look at it that way then thats good
Also my friend rang me, she has hit target, took 23 months in total, but she was going to have a gastric by pass, and had started the process to have one, she had seen her mum have one, who was 52, but her mum got complications and sadly passed away, and begged my friend not to have the op, and it scared her, so she tried sw, just short of 2 years later she has done it, after many diets nothing helped, her doc even told her it would be slow (like me) but she stuck with it and it worked.
Her mum had tried so many diets but never slimming world and my friend wishes she had, as things may be so different, but now i need to catch my friend up and get back to basics!!!!

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